Share your burdens.
Find hope.

Call +1 (844) 496-9060 or fill our prayer request form and a dedicated prayer partner will call you within minutes.

Your burdens are not meant to be carried alone. Let us join you in seeking hope and peace in Jesus.

At our prayer hotline, we believe in the power of prayer and the transformative impact of discipleship. Our mission is to create a community where people can find comfort, strength, and spiritual growth. At the Prayer Hotline, we foster a culture of love and support, where prayers are answered, and lives are changed through the grace of God.

Call +1 (844) 496-9060 for immediate prayer!

Get prayed for

Both joys and trials can be an invitation to turn to Jesus and invite him deeper into our lives. Your burdens are not meant to be carried alone. We are a community of prayer partners that will join you in this journey by interceding on your behalf.

Upon submitting your prayer request, you will receive a phone call and be paired with a prayer partner.

Get prayer

Discipleship connection

Connect with a devoted mentor who will walk alongside you in your spiritual journey. Whether you're new to the faith or seeking deeper understanding, our discipleship program pairs you with experienced believers ready to share wisdom, offer guidance, and support your growth in Christ. Experience the transformative power of discipleship today.

Get discipleship

Join our prayer team

Our compassionate team of prayer partners is dedicated to lifting the needs of others in prayer. Each volunteer is vetted. Fill out a brief questionnaire, have a short interview, and set your availability to be on-call.


Ready to Receive Prayer?

Call +1 (844) 496-9060 or submit a request today and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and healing.